How to get full transitions in SwiftUI

Animations and transitions in SwiftUI are a great way to add polish to an application and improve user experience. Modifiers, such as view transitions, are convenient and have much variety in terms of choice with what animation the view will be presented and removed from the

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Manually Call View Update in SwiftUI to Reflect Changes

SwiftUI has many options to trigger a view update, either it being triggered through an action by user or an application. Most of such view updates are triggered automatically trough the change of value in State, Binding, or Published variables, which are being tracked by that

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Combining Async / Await with Closures in Swift

The newish Async / Await changes to the Swift language concurrency protocols which were introduced back in WWDC 2021 are convenient and intuitive options for performing asynchronous operations. In comparison to the older closure completion callbacks, it is a cleaner and a more readable good approach.

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